Finger-on-the-pulse Digital Optimisation reporting, for boards and executive leadership teams.
There is a desire across NZ businesses to “do more in digital but better” - from digital innovation to better digital marketing to deploying digital technologies to drive operational efficiency. We’re committed to helping our clients to achieve this. The question for most CEO’s is where to start.
We’ve noticed that there is plenty of detailed information, but consolidated reporting which is timely and can support decision making to get more value from digital is missing - reporting which can show what’s working, what is not working and ROI.
“I know that half my advertising budget is going to waste, the problem is I don’t know which half”
We believe up to 90% of a client’s digital expenditure could go to waste and this is an addressable problem we are committed to solve. Some questions to ask yourself:
What is the value of each new customer or lead?
How much would it be worth to convert another 5% through digital channels?
How much could you save by reducing your cost of acquisition?
How to get started
JungleGym has identified three quick steps on the road to getting regular, timely and useful reporting of all digital touchpoints.
Digital health check to assess the information gaps and recommendations for capturing key metrics across digital touchpoints.
Implementation of tracking tools and set up regular reporting
Monthly reporting with insights and recommendations
There’s a lot more we can do with you. We have the capability and resources to support you to innovate using digital technologies, but this is our recommended first step to “turn the lights on”.
1) Digital Health Check $6,000
Expert review of business objectives and all digital touchpoints across the customer journey with a clear set of priorities and approximate costs. This will provide visibility of the current state of play, gaps, where to prioritise effort and what needs to be done in step 2.
What you get
Two hour workshop with key stakeholders to understand business imperatives, high level customer journey and alignment with objectives.
Digital maturity report which includes:
Where the business is now in relation to other businesses
List of prioritised metrics to start tracking
Actionable recommendations
Walk through of the report followed by Q&A
Approximate budget for implementation.
The report can then be implemented by your digital partners or we can recommend digital specialists to assist with the implementation.
2) Set-up and Implementation
Once the Digital Health Check is complete you will have a fair idea of how much each item should cost and be able to make a decision on what to implement immediately. Final costs will be dependant upon what needs to be done, prioritised based on available budget.
3) Finger-on-the-pulse Monthly Monitoring Dashboard - $3,000 per month
What you get
Monthly reports that the leadership and board can make decisions from including:
Month-on-month growth chart for all digital channels
Reporting on expenditure versus growth for each part of the sales funnel that feeds the virtuous cycle
Visibility on how digital marketing spend is growing enterprise value
Right level of information to engage the board, the right level for the business to act on
Timely, regular reporting and dashboards